by Andy Eckles | Aug 26, 2016 | Events, Front Page, News
August 26th, 2016. Research shows that kids need an ample amount of protein to stay alert and think clearly, especially while at school. If we think a bit “outside the lunchbox,” ensuring adequate protein throughout the school day becomes a bit easier. Click here to...
by Andy Eckles | Aug 17, 2016 | Events, Front Page, News
August 17th, 2016. In an effort to help make school lunches healthier, two research scientists are doing their part to improve school meals around the country through the “Team Up” initiative. Read the whole story here.
by Andy Eckles | Aug 11, 2016 | Events, Front Page, News
August 11th, 2016. Getting good grades and making new friends are among the top priorities for college freshmen, but what about eating healthy meals? Independence can come with challenges when a person makes the transition to college from a life at home with parents....
by Andy Eckles | Aug 10, 2016 | Events, Front Page, News
August 10th, 2016. Because more teens and even pre-teens have their own cellphones, many school district officials are modifying policies that previously banned the devices in school. Read the whole story here.
by Andy Eckles | Aug 9, 2016 | Events, Front Page, News
August 9th, 2016. The number of Minnesota 4-year-olds with access to free prekindergarten classes at public schools will rise this fall by several thousand, and Gov. Mark Dayton said Monday he wants to keep expanding that number before the end of his term. Read the...
by Andy Eckles | Aug 8, 2016 | Events, Front Page, News
August 8th, 2016. In 2009, the Texas Legislature approved $10 million to equip more school buses with seat belts throughout the state. Since then, the money has dissipated and so has the resolve. Read the full story here.