Presenting an end-to-end system for parent payments.
One of the many challenges of running a K-12 school or district is managing parent payments.
So PaySchools developed software solutions to make it simpler.
Now parents can pay for lunches and fees online or in the front office. Office staff can look up payments and email reminders. And business officials can run school-level or district-wide reports and reconcile accounts.
All with the click of a button.

PaySchools Central: the online portal for parents
Today’s busy parents don’t just want efficient online tools—they depend on them. That’s where PaySchools Central comes in.
Whenever it’s time to make a school lunch or fees payment, or maybe check an account balance, parents simply log in…
…with their phone, computer, or tablet…
…to use credit or debit cards or ACH bank-account transactions…
… to manage payments for all their children at multiple schools, in one fell swoop.
In a few clicks of PaySchool Central’s intuitive dashboard-style website, they’re in and out.
No more worrying about their children running out of lunch money. No forgotten fees or misplaced fees forms. All the info and payment details are in one trusted, efficient, central place: PaySchools Central.
And parents can pay at school, too
PASS is PaySchools’ Pay At School System. It’s web-based software your staff can use to accept and manage in-person parent payments with cash, checks, and credit cards.
District employees can look up student information, read notes, view required fees, and process payments while speaking with parents face-to-face. Over-the-phone payments also work with PASS. Besides lunch and academic fees payments, PASS can be used for club dues, donations, athletic fees, after-school care, and more.
Best of all, PASS integrates seamlessly with PaySchools Central, so paid balances can be viewed online, and all the data syncs.
PASS plus PaySchools Central gives you an end-to-end parent payment system you can use at any school for any reason to fund any account. And with PaySchools Admin, your business-office staff can easily pull all the data and reporting together from a centralized tool.

The wizard behind the curtain
Your parents will use PaySchools Central at home or on the go.
Your front-office staff will use PASS to accept in-person parent payments.
And your business-office staff, or whomever you choose to credential, will use PaySchools Admin to reconcile accounts, create reports, and pull data to use for all parent-payment-related revenue accounting.
The three platforms work seamlessly together to provide the end-to-end parent payment solution your district has been looking for.
Basically, PaySchools Admin gathers parent-payment info from all sources, including PaySchools QuikLunch, and makes it accessible via a single dashboard. It’s the powerful tool your business-office staff will turn to again and again.
For district finance staff, PaySchools Admin is the wizard behind the curtain. And it’s provided free with every PaySchools Central or PaySchools PASS purchase.
Our solutions play nicely together
PaySchools Central and PaySchools PASS do the heavy lifting for parent payments, but here are a few more bonus solutions and synergies you should know about.

SIS integration
PaySchools Central integrates with your existing student information system. That means you can post fees and fee-related information in your SIS. Parents will log in to your SIS as usual, view fees and lunch balances, then click through to PaySchools Central to make payments.

Lunch money in the lunch line
When your families top up lunch accounts through PaySchools Central, that data is visible in the lunch line. You can use your cafeteria cashier system or ours (PaySchools QuikLunch.)

Free-and-reduced lunch eligibility
Add PaySchools QuikApps to PaySchools Central and you’ll have confidentially coded free-and-reduced lunch eligibility for each family that applies at your fingertips as well.

Events payments simplified
And because schools sponsor so many events, and events mean ticketing and registration payments, we’ve created PaySchools Events—the software solution for everything event- and activity-related.
Parent payments, person-to-person support
PaySchools develops powerful software solutions, but we understand that person-to-person support is just as important as our technology.
In addition to online help portals and other digital customer-service tools, we staff a dedicated, US-based support office to handle questions and hiccups.
It’s a rare service among K-12 payment processing solutions providers. But it’s who PaySchools is, and it’s how we’ve made our mark.
Economical and risk-free
Did you know that PaySchools Central and PASS are cloud-based platforms your district can license with no long-term commitment?
They’re affordable, and they’re so well liked that 96% of PaySchools’ district customers return year after year.
We’d love to show you how PaySchools’ secure, friendly solutions can transform everything parent-payment-related in your district.