PaySchools Donates $1,000 to Adams Elementary School!
PaySchools is excited to announce the winner of our 2018 family sweepstakes. This event was run nationwide and was extended to all online payment PaySchools Central and PayForIt.net users. Users were entered in the drawing simply by completing an online transaction, or by completing an entry form between July 22, 2018 and August 22, 2018.
Sam Allred, of Logan, UT was awarded not only $1,000 for himself, but also the ability to select a school in his district to receive a matching $1,000 donation. Sam has selected Adams Elementary, of Logan City School District as the school that will receive the donation.
‘‘This service PaySchools provides has been a godsend for me. Having the ability to make school payments using a credit card or bank account online made school related payments easy. I can even pay for my daughter’s lunch while she is standing in the lunch line at school,’’ stated Sam Allred, winner of the 2018 sweepstakes.
Adams Elementary School was thrilled to receive the money and has already earmarked the $1,000 to purchase new physical education equipment. This money will ultimately be used to help fund the school’s backpack program.
Principal Sundee Ware of Adams Elementary said: “Sometimes doing things online takes away the personalization. This brings it right back to the students, to parents, and the staff. We are so excited that this reward money will be used to benefit our student backpack program and provide the students with some new PE equipment. Thank you PaySchools for this generous reward.”
PaySchools cherishes the moments we get to give back to the communities and schools in which we serve and operate, we are always looking for new ways to give back. Stay tuned as more opportunities develop. Congratulations to our 2018 sweepstakes winners and thanks to all who participated!