Your district’s scheduling solution.
This goes way beyond telling time.
TimeClock Payroll Time Management, the PaySchools time clock module, is a browser-based time-in / time-out time clock used by school personnel. It is the solution for district payroll and record management. Using a centralized database, TimeClock administrators are able to enter and manage time-based data including payroll, job codes, and days off for an entire district, from anywhere in the district.
With TimeClock, we can give you and your district a convenient and powerful interface, to administer all of your district’s scheduling and time records from a single system.
Key Features:
- Web-based, so employees can log in or out from any enabled location
- TimeClock is a district wide application
- Access to the program can be limited to certain terminals or have a process in place to prevent employees from using their personal device to adjust their time
- Modification of a time record requires Manager-level access. Once the record is saved, the user making the change will appear in the “Modified by” section
- PC compatible: TimeClock program does not require additional hardware to be purchased
- Time clock application is web-based, so no additional hardware is required
- Employee time report data can be uploaded into different file formats such as CSV, Excel, PDF, and more

Ready to get started with Time Clock?

TimeClock uses a touch-screen interface, letting your staff members bypass complicated instructions and enter information quickly and easily. Your data is safe: TimeClock runs off of a secure website. Credentials are needed to log in, and we offer an auto-logout feature if you need it. TimeClock is accessible from anywhere in your district, and can be easily updated by you or your staff.
Timeclock is capable of handling many different types of staff and district assignments: administrative staff, full-time faculty, substitute teachers, temporary staff, and more. You can classify individuals with different job codes, and assign them to a supervisor.
With the ability to interpret and process different types of data, TimeClock gives you greater flexibility in managing workflows between different interfaces. Your payroll system’s data can be imported to TimeClock, and then interpreted, applied, and used in an online or offline report. Online reports are visible to anyone with credentials in the district, and offline reports are generated according to common file types.