New User Information
Welcome to the PaySchools Events Toolkit! We have provided you with a step-by-step process to implement PaySchools Events in your school district. From administrative emails and how-to documents to promotional and marketing tools, we are supplying your district with the tools you need to get your district’s families buying tickets in no time!
We are excited that your district is using PaySchools Events! The system is simple to use; and makes it easy to track, collect, and manage payments for your event.
If you are ready to get started, simply follow the step-by-step instructions below to spread the word, or click the link for event set-up, FAQs, Event information flyers and much more!
Decide who could use PaySchools Events in your district.
As the purchaser of PaySchools Events, you now are charged with the task of considering which event organizers in your district could benefit from using this software. PaySchools Events offers a flexible platform that can be used throughout a variety of departments, providing easy online ticketing and tracking for a wide range of events, ticketing, and registration needs:
Athletic events
Athletic season passes
Theatre events
Merchandise sales
AP exams registration
Preschool and/or kindergarten registration
Summer events
And more!
Spread the word.
Want to let those event organizers, athletic directors, theatre directors, and others know about how PaySchools Events can help them? We’ve drafted an email you can use that takes them through the process, features and advantages. Simply download the text below, copy and paste it into an email, and send it along!
Add tools to your email.
Want to add a little more information to your email? Use the tools below to add information to your email and show the value add you are providing with PaySchools Events! Check out our informational video and informational flyer learn more about PaySchools Events and give your Event Organizers a more comprehensive look into PaySchools Events!